Nadi Plastic Aria Company is affiliated with Tahavol Kalaye Novin Machine Mfg. Ind. Co. (NADI PACK) which was established for the purpose of supplying all disposables of manufacturing machines of this industrial complex.

Polyolefin shrink film
The polyolefin shrink film is a film with unique features. Special weight, high mechanical strength even in temperatures lower than -40c, premium optic properties, high resistance against rupture, suitable for direct contact with foodstuff, resistant against oils and solvents

PVC Shrink Film
Whatever you can image. This film is transparent and glossy like a crystal. This feature protects the product against rupture and it is flexible against external effects

PVC Cling Film
PVC cling film is odorless and makes the product have longer life and taste with the best circumstances. Very high transparency, its premium anti-steam and breathing together with specific mechanical features and a very good memory of a fresh packaging enable consumer to get his/her final desire.
Types of packaging




About NadiPlastic
It is noteworthy to say that Tahavol Kalaye Novin (NADI PACK) was incorporated in 1991. Subsequently and at the beginning of 2001 it was strongly felt to establish a factory in parallel with (a sister company). Accordingly and in order to supply some of the raw materials of the packaging industry, we decided to establish Nadi Plastic Arya Factory on a premises spreading over an area of 22000 square meters with the production halls on an area of 8 thousand square meters. Moreover, such a mutual cooperation should be accomplished for the purpose of coping with the needs of our customers in machine manufacturing industries as well as other esteemed consumers having taken into consideration the true needs of honorable customers from the step of manufacturing packaging machinery to the step of disposables production.

Physical characteristics of the product
PVC Shrink film
Transparency and beauty
Impact and tear resistance
Adequate shrinking power
Can be used in manual, semi-automatic and automatic devices
PVC Cling Films
Anti-vapor property
Odorless for longer shelf life of food products
Adjusting oxygen and humidity for longer shelf life of fruits and vegetables
Can be used manually and with automatic devices
Polyolefin Shrink (POF)
Very reasonable price
The best choice for graphic printing
Very high resistance to temperature changes
Ability to pack products with different shapes and sharp edges